Tan Sri Ir. Shahrizaila Bin Abdullah
1993 - 1996
Tan Sri Ir. Shahrizaila bin Abdullah has contributed immensely to the progress of irrigation, drainage, flood control, river and coastal engineering in Malaysia. A member of the ICID Management Board since its inception in 1991, he later on took up its Chairmanship, as President, ICID in 1993. Tan Sri has participated in a large number of regional and international conferences and seminars organized by water related bodies, and was also the key-note speaker on behalf of FAO at the International Conference on Water and Environment held in Dublin, Ireland, in January 1992.

Dato' Paduka Ir. (Dr.) Hj. Keizrul Bin Abdullah
2002 - 2005
Dato` Ir. (Dr.) Hj. Keizrul bin Abdullah, born December 1951, possesses B.E. (Hons.) degree in Civil Engineering from Malaya (1975) and M.Sc. (Water Resources Systems Engineering) from University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK (1991). He was Chairman, MANCID and was Chairman ICID`s Asian Regional Working Group, Vice President, ICID (1999-2002). He has actively participated in ICID meetings and has been a member of several workbodies including PCTA (1990-1996).
Dato` Ir. (Dr.) Hj. Keizrul bin Abdullah has presented papers on Irrigation, drainage, floods, rivers and water resources in conferences and seminars at national and international levels. He has been involved in the field of irrigation, drainage, river engineering, flood mitigation and water resources planning and development. In the 1980`s, he was the Chief Counterpart Officer of the National Water Resources Study. He is a registered Professional Engineer and a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Malaysia, Member of the Board of Engineers, Malaysia and Chairman of the Malaysian National Committee on the International Hydrological Programme (IHP) of UNESCO. He was also the Director General of Irrigation and Drainage Department, Malaysia from November 1997 – December 2007.

Tan Sri Ir. (Dr.) J.G. Daniel
1975 - 1978
Tan Sri Ir. (Dr.) J.G. Daniel was born on December 31, 1921, had his early education in Kuala Lumpur and graduated in Civil Engineering from the London University in 1953. He has spent his whole career in the Drainage and Irrigation Department in Malaysia, to start with as Assistant Engineer then rising to the Director General, Drainage and Irrigation, Malaysia. He was the Chairman of the Malaysian National Committee of ICID and Chairman of the Malaysian Water Resources Committee. He was the President of the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia for session 1972/74 and the Vice President ICID from 1975-1978.

Dato' Ir. Mohd. Azhari Bin Ghazalli
2006 - 2009
Dato’ Ir. Mohd. Azhari bin Ghazalli has a B.Sc. in Civil Engineering (1978) from Brighton in UK and M.Sc. in Irrigation Management (1994) from Melbourne, Australia. He also has worked as Director in Irrigation and Agricultural Drainage Division, Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industries in Malaysia and was responsible for Irrigation and Agricultural Drainage Development of the country. He was also involved in the field of irrigation, drainage, river engineering, flood mitigation and water resources at various positions and capacities within the Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID), Malaysia.
Dato’ Ir. Mohd. Azhari bin Ghazalli was involved in ICID activities since 1996 and has attended every ICID conference since then. He also has been involved in three ICID workbodies viz. ASRWG, WG-SDTA and C-CONGR. His contributions to ICID include organizing workshops, seminars, talks, discussions, papers and projects on irrigation and drainage at local, regional and international level.

Dato' Ir. Nor Hisham Bin Mohd Ghazali
2020 - 2023
Dato’ Ir. Nor Hisham Bin Mohd. Ghazali holds a B. Sc. in Civil Engineering from California State University and a Masters’ Degree in Coastal and Maritime Engineering from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Previously, he served the Department of Irrigation and Drainage Malaysia and National Institute of Water Research Malaysia (NAHRIM), Ministry of Environment and Water as the Director General. He have served the Malaysia Government sector for 34 years in operational, technical, management and policy positions.
Dato’ Ir. Nor Hisham Bin Mohd. Ghazali also serves as a Member of the Board of Engineers Malaysia, Member of the Council of the Institute of Engineers Malaysia and Chairman of the Malaysian Water Partnership (MyWP). Dato’ Ir. Nor Hisham Bin Mohd. Ghazali is also the Vice-President of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID).